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Перевод Примеры
Необходймость -мать изобретателъности // В трудную минУтУ появлЯются и спосОбности, и умение.

I often got honey out of hollow trees, which I mingled with water, or ate with my bread. No man could more verify the truth of these maxims, that nature is very easily satisfied and that necessity is thе motЬer of invention. (Swift)

"l declared myself to her," said Alcide, laying his hand on his heart, "in а manner which was as novel as I am charmed to think it was agreeable. Where cannot Love penetrate, respectable madame FribsЬi? Cupicl is tЬе father of iDYeutioo!" (Тhackeray)

It was my duty to know what а fellow-creature suffers there, lest, through inexperience, I might bе cruel. Ignorance is thе mother of cruelty. (Reade)